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1. Sorrento crockery
2. the beach and the Pacific ocean
3. The Esplanade and north head at Manly
4. kids, kids in law, grand kids
5. family and friends
6. privacy
7. Thai food – Oh I miss this so much…..Yok Thai Neutral Bay
8. A good hairdresser I hate using a box grrrrrr
9. Red Rock chilli chips
10. Freedom to walk anywhere….the danger of elephants is real and some days it does become frustrating and we must just stop and wait
11. Waking to a Kookaburra singing though yes we wake to African Fish Eagles singing which is magnificent though the hippos grunting all night and elephants and hippos munching their way around our house can drive you little crazy
12. Access to restaurants and a variety of food, we are both so tired of the Flatdogs menus as on work nights we have no choice. We work 16 hours in a day when we do an early and the late shifts and just too tired to order the food, prepare and cook dinner..
13. Cappuccinos
14. Chinese food
15. Riding a push bike
16. Fitness First Mona Vale good equipment
17. Seeing the ocean
18. Listening to new music and our Bose sound system
19. Our beautiful Palazzo Ingleside home and having our family over
20. A car – actually a car with doors, windscreen and a roof would be a novelty!!
21. Coffee Brothers Mona Vale