• The population of Zambia is 13,475,000
• The medium age of the population of Zambia is 17 years
• 46% of Zambians are under the age of 14 years whilst just under 2.5%
are over 65 years
• There are an estimated 1.2 million orphans in Zambia
• Life expectancy at birth is 49 years
• Zambia has the 19th highest death rate in the world
• An average of 45,000 people die of HIV AIDS each year
• There are 970,00 people living with HIV AIDS
• Just 48% of the population have access to sanitation
• Only 46% have access to safe drinking water in rural areas
• 68% of Zambians live below the internationally accepted poverty line
• Only 3.2 of households in rural areas have access to electricity
• The Zambian government spends 2% of the GDP on education
• The average child’s education lasts 7 years