When Jamie and I talked about moving to Zambia one of my goals was to “give back” to Africa based on how much we had both personally loved our experiences in Africa and how much Travel Specialists Mosman, Travel with Kidz and Africa Specialists had benefited over the years in business.
I have been hosting the Flatdogs Camp Village/Mfuwe Day Secondary School Tours in conjunction with Project Luangwa since arriving in camp and have many friends at the at the School including the teachers, students and Anna and the team at Chipembele Wildlife Education Centre.
During the past 8 months I have witnessed on almost a weekly basis locals walking to our camp where they sit outside my office door waiting to meet with Harold head of HR to apply for a job at Flatdogs. They come empty handed, no idea what they want to do, don’t know anyone in camp, no CV, dressed poorly and no interview confirmed. I soon learnt that the locals don’t have a way of learning about obtaining work other than a very basic Career Advise class at school. So after 8 months I found my way of giving back and met with the Headmistress, Deputy Headmaster, Career Advisor at the Mfuwe Day Secondary School to discuss my plan, purpose and ultimate outcome.
As of October 11, 2016 I have put together the following agenda under my Power of the Positive brand “Career advice”:
• Collect a data base of the 2016 year 12 students with contacts
• CV preparation and educate students on purpose and need. Prepare a photo copy of
all the certificates of education, courses completed, NRI card and final CV.
• Discuss with the students their wish list of a job that is achievable, they write
a 600 word essay on what is the job, what skills/course required
Discuss prospect of employment in Mfuwe or elsewhere.
• How to prepare for an interview including how to dress, be punctual, what to take
• Research and assist students with online courses available
• What are your skills/interests?
• WB to create a data base of potential employers
• WB create a data base of potential volunteer/work experience opportunities
• Connect students with potential employers
My first presentation was Thurs October 6 with Year 12A, a class of 30 students attended and we did their CV together. The students absolutely loved what they learnt and I have so much support from many business’s in Mfuwe who either have current vacancies or will in the future. They all did their CV’s and the focus was why have one.
The common reaction is “that is a great idea and was needed in Mfuwe”.
I am off to a great start and am extremely committed to helping these students have the tools to find a job!
December 15, 2016
Worked with 13 star students today at the school who are waiting on the results of their year 12 exams which are due out February 6, 2017.
Final CV’s completed with this group, they are doing their essays on the job they want, photo copying all the certificates and CV needed and will present for checking by Wendy.
Generously Giuliana, Max and Girogia donated a Mac lap top and Quantium where Tim and Lauren our son & daughter law work donated a lenova for these students to use.
Early days though I am so proud of them and they are making great progress and very appreciative of my efforts.

Mrs Buckley Career Advice