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Elephants rule in our camp, well not really rule though Flatdogs Camp is committed to protecting and working with these awesome animals. They are one of the most stunning and intelligent creatures on this planet and Flatdogs has herds walk through regularly eating the vegetation, drinking from our pool and sleeping under the huge sausage trees. Don’t worry, the guests do really come first and the safety of everyone in camp is the absolute priority of the Management.

Most days they wonder through the camp in herds of 6 to 7 which include the Matriarch (the number one female of the herd), her sisters, cousins, a few friends and a number of their babies. The female babies will stay with the herd for life and the male babies will leave the herd around 10 years of age to join other males.

Over the past few weeks (May 2016) we have had a regular herd visit who one day while we were at work decided that there was something yummy in our house. One of the elephants put their trunk through our fly screen though fortunately we have metal bars across the windows which stopped the elephant from sticking its nose right in our home.
Out front of our restaurant and bar area there is a relaxing garden with many trees, comfy outdoor furniture and fabulous views over the Luangwa River across into the National Park. We had some guests staying who live in Lusaka (capital of Zambia) for the past 2 years; Sam and Matt. Originally from Johannesburg they have been in living in Lusaka for the past 2 years, Matt is the African Finance Correspondent for Bloomberg and Sam is a volunteer teacher in Lusaka. While Sam was out on a morning safari Matt was seated in the garden with his morning coffee doing a Finance report for the Bloomberg News on his lap top.

All in a days work

All in a days work

The word went around on the camp 2 way radio that a herd of elephants were munching their way from the reception area to the thick bush area behind the bar & ablution block heading towards the garden area and best we move Matt in to the restaurant area. As the picture shows one of the babies had a good smell of Matt’s lap top, imagine having to tell your boss an elephant ate my report!
Thanks Matt for sharing your pictures and Jamie and I look forward to seeing you and Sam back in camp soon.
Everyone who visits the camp is given a safety talk in particular “how to deal with the wildlife including the elephants and hippos”, Jamie loves showing in guests and giving the safety talk. You have to come and see for yourself!!